Source code for pyscal.trajectory

import os
import numpy as np
from pyscal.formats.ase import convert_snap
import pyscal.core as pc
#import h5py
import warnings
import random

#def hdf_to_dump(infile, outfile, keys=None):
    A support function that can convert hdf formatted
    trajectory to dump format

    infile : string
        name of the input hdf file

    outfile : string
        name of the output dump file

    keys : list, optional
        output keys to be written.
        default keys are box, [id, type, x, y, z]
    if keys is None:
        outkeys = ['x', 'y', 'z']
        mainkey = ['id', 'type', 'x', 'y', 'z']
        outkeys = np.concatenate((['x', 'y', 'z'], keys))
        mainkey = np.concatenate((['id', 'type', 'x', 'y', 'z'], keys))

    keyheader = " ".join(mainkey)
    keyheader = " ".join(["ITEM: ATOMS", keyheader, "\n"])

    with open(outfile, "w") as dump:
        with h5py.File(infile, "r") as hf:
            for key in hf.keys():
                natoms = len(np.array(hf[key]["atoms"]["x"]))
                box = np.array(hf[key]["box"])

                dump.write("ITEM: TIMESTEP\n")
                dump.write("%s\n" % key)
                dump.write("ITEM: NUMBER OF ATOMS\n")
                dump.write("%d\n" % natoms)
                dump.write("ITEM: BOX BOUNDS\n")
                dump.write("%f %f\n" % (box[0][0], box[0][1]))
                dump.write("%f %f\n" % (box[1][0], box[1][1]))
                dump.write("%f %f\n" % (box[2][0], box[2][1]))


                for i in range(natoms):
                    outval1 = ["%d %d"%(int(hf[key]["atoms"]["id"][i]), int(hf[key]["atoms"]["type"][i])) ]
                    outval2 = [str(hf[key]["atoms"][x][i]) for x in outkeys]
                    outvals = [*outval1, *outval2]
                    outline = " ".join(outvals)

[docs]class Timeslice: """ Timeslice containing info about a single time slice Timeslices can also be added to each """
[docs] def __init__(self, trajectory, blocklist): """ Initialize instance with data """ self.trajectory = trajectory self.blocklist = blocklist self.trajectories = [trajectory] self.blocklists = [blocklist]
def __repr__(self): """ String of the class """ blockstring = ["%d-%d"%(x[0], x[-1]) for x in self.blocklists] blockstring = "/".join(blockstring) data = "Trajectory slice\n %s\n natoms=%d\n"%(blockstring, self.trajectory.natoms) return data def __add__(self, ntraj): """ Add a method for summing """ for traj in ntraj.trajectories: self.trajectories.append(traj) for block in ntraj.blocklists: self.blocklists.append(block) return self def __radd__(self, ntraj): """ Reverse add method """ if ntraj == 0: return self else: return self.__add__(ntraj)
[docs] def to_system(self, customkeys=None): """ Get block as pyscal system Parameters ---------- blockno : int number of the block to be read, starts from 0 Returns ------- sys : System pyscal System """ sys = [] for count, traj in enumerate(self.trajectories): for x in self.blocklists[count]: s = self.trajectories[count]._get_block_as_system(x, customkeys=customkeys) sys.append(s) return sys
[docs] def to_ase(self, species=None): """ Get block as Ase objects Parameters ---------- blockno : int number of the block to be read, starts from 0 Returns ------- sys : ASE object """ sys = [] for count, traj in enumerate(self.trajectories): for x in self.blocklists[count]: s = self.trajectories[count]._get_block_as_ase(x, species=species) sys.append(s) return sys
[docs] def to_dict(self,): """ Get the required block as data """ data = [] for count, traj in enumerate(self.trajectories): for x in self.blocklists[count]: self.trajectories[count].load(x) data.append(self.trajectories[count].data[x]) self.trajectories[count].unload(x) return data
[docs] def to_file(self, outfile, mode="w"): """ Get block as outputfile Parameters ---------- outfile : string name of output file mode : string write mode to be used, optional default "w" write also can be "a" to append. Returns ------- None """ fout = open(outfile, mode) for count, traj in enumerate(self.trajectories): self.trajectories[count]._get_blocks_to_file(fout, self.blocklists[count]) fout.close()
#def to_hdf(self, outfile, keys=None, mode='w', compression="gzip"): """ Get the block as hdf file Parameters ---------- outfile : string name of the output file headers : list, optional The keys to be stored in hdf format. Default values stored are [id, type, x, y, z] mode : string, optional h5 write mode. see here - compression : string, optional the compression algorithm to choose. Default gzip Returns ------- None """ """ if keys is None: outkeys = ['id', 'type', 'x', 'y', 'z'] else: outkeys = np.concatenate((['id', 'type', 'x', 'y', 'z'], keys)) c = 0 with h5py.File(outfile, 'w') as hf: for count, traj in enumerate(self.trajectories): for x in self.blocklists[count]: self.trajectories[count].load(x) data = self.trajectories[count].data[x] self.trajectories[count].unload(x) tk = str(c) #warnings.warn(tk) hf.create_group(tk) hf[tk].create_dataset('box', data=data['box'], compression=compression) hf[tk].create_group("atoms") for key in outkeys: hf[tk]["atoms"].create_dataset(key, data=data['atoms'][key], compression=compression) c += 1 """
[docs]class Trajectory: """ A Trajectory class for LAMMPS """
[docs] def __init__(self, filename): """ Initiaze the class Parameters ---------- filename : string name of the inputfile customkeys : list of string keys other than position, id that needs to be read in from the input file """ if os.path.exists(filename): self.filename = filename else: raise FileNotFoundError("%s file not found"%filename) self.natoms = 0 self.blocksize = 0 self.nblocks = 0 self.loadlist = None = None self._get_natoms() self._get_nblocks()
def __repr__(self): """ String of the class """ return "Trajectory of %d slices with %d atoms"%(self.nblocks, self.natoms) def __getitem__(self, blockno): """ Allow for slice indexing """ if isinstance(blockno, slice): blocklist = range(*blockno.indices(self.nblocks)) timeslice = Timeslice(self, blocklist) return timeslice else: blocklist = [blockno] timeslice = Timeslice(self, blocklist) return timeslice def _get_natoms(self): """ Get number of atoms in the system Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ with open(self.filename, "rb") as fout: data = [next(fout) for x in range(0, 4)] self.natoms = (int(data[-1])) def _get_nlines(self): """ Get total number of lines in the file Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- nlines : int number of lines """ line_offset = [] offset = 0 nlines = 0 for line in open(self.filename, 'rb'): line_offset.append(offset) offset += len(line) nlines += 1 self.nlines = nlines self.line_offset = line_offset return nlines def _get_nblocks(self): """ Get number of blocks in the trajectory file Parameters ---------- None Returns ------- None """ self._get_natoms() nlines = self._get_nlines() self.blocksize = self.natoms+9 self.nblocks = nlines//self.blocksize self.straylines = nlines - self.nblocks*self.blocksize #set load list to False self.loadlist = [False for x in range(self.nblocks)] = [None for x in range(self.nblocks)] def _yield(self, index, output): if output == "index": return index elif output == "system": return Timeslice(self, [index]).to_system()[0] #iterator for index
[docs] def iter(self, method="ascending", n_slices=None, output="index"): """ Iterate and provide slices from the trajectory Parameters ---------- method: str, how to provide slices ascending: from 0 to Nblocks descending: from Nblocks to 0 random: randomly between 0 and N n_slices: int, number of slices to provide if None, nblocks is the maximum output: string, output format index: provide index number system: provide pyscal system """ if n_slices is None: n_slices = self.nblocks if method == "ascending": for i in range(n_slices): yield self._yield(i, output) elif method == "descending": for i in range(n_slices): yield self._yield(self.nblocks-i, output) elif method == "random": slice_list = np.arange(0, self.nblocks, 1).astype(int) random.shuffle(slice_list) for i in slice_list[:n_slices]: yield self._yield(i, output) else: raise ValueError("Unknown method")
[docs] def get_block(self, blockno): """ Get a block from the file as raw data Parameters ---------- blockno : int number of the block to be read, starts from 0 Returns ------- data : list list of strings containing data """ start = blockno*self.blocksize stop = (blockno+1)*self.blocksize fin = open(self.filename, "rb")[start]) data = [] for i in range(self.blocksize): line = fin.readline().decode("utf-8") data.append(line) return data
[docs] def load(self, blockno): """ Load the data of a block into memory as a dictionary of numpy arrays Parameters ---------- blockno : int number of the block to be read, starts from 0 Returns ------- None Notes ----- When the data of a block is loaded, it is accessible through `[x]`. This data can then be modified. When the block is written out, the modified data is written instead of existing one. But, loaded data is kept in memory until unloaded using `unload` method. """ data = self.get_block(blockno) box = np.loadtxt(data[5:8]) columns = np.loadtxt(data[9:]) header = np.loadtxt(data[8:9], dtype=str)[2:] outdict = {} outdict["box"] = box outdict["atoms"] = {} for count, h in enumerate(header): outdict["atoms"][h] = columns[:,count][blockno] = outdict self.loadlist[blockno] = True
[docs] def unload(self, blockno): """ Unload the data that is loaded to memory using `load` method Parameters ---------- blockno : int number of the block to be read, starts from 0 Returns ------- None """[blockno] = None self.loadlist[blockno] = False
def _convert_data_to_lines(self, blockno): """ Create lines from loaded data Parameters ---------- blockno : int number of the block to be read, starts from 0 Returns ------- data : list of strs list of lines """ dd =[blockno] data = [] data.append("ITEM: TIMESTEP\n") data.append("".join([str(0), os.linesep])) data.append("ITEM: NUMBER OF ATOMS\n") data.append("".join([str(self.natoms), os.linesep])) data.append("ITEM: BOX BOUNDS pp pp pp\n") for b in dd["box"]: dstr = " ".join(b.astype(str)) data.append("".join([dstr, os.linesep])) xf = [] xd = [] xfkeys = [] xdkeys = [] for key, val in dd["atoms"].items(): if key in ["id", "type"]: val.astype(int) xd.append(val) xdkeys.append(key) else: xf.append(val) xfkeys.append(key) xdstrs = [] if len(xd)>0: for i in range(len(xd[0])): substr = [] for j in range(len(xdkeys)): substr.append("%d"%xd[j][i]) xdstrs.append(" ".join(substr)) xdheader = " ".join(xdkeys) xdheader = " ".join(["ITEM: ATOMS", xdheader]) xfstrs = [] xf = np.array(xf) if len(xf)>0: for i in range(len(xf[0])): dstr = " ".join((xf[:,i]).astype(str)) xfstrs.append("".join([dstr, os.linesep])) xfheader = " ".join(xfkeys) mainheader = " ".join([xdheader, xfheader]) mainheader = "".join([mainheader, os.linesep]) data.append(mainheader) for i in range(len(xfstrs)): valstr = " ".join([xdstrs[i], xfstrs[i]]) #valstr = "".join([valstr, os.linesep]) data.append(valstr) return data def _get_block_as_system(self, blockno, customkeys=None): """ Get block as pyscal system Parameters ---------- blockno : int number of the block to be read, starts from 0 Returns ------- sys : System pyscal System """ #convert to system and return data = self.get_block(blockno) sys = pc.System() sys.read_inputfile(data, customkeys=customkeys) return sys def _get_block_as_ase(self, blockno, species=None): """ Get block as pyscal system Parameters ---------- blockno : int number of the block to be read, starts from 0 Returns ------- sys : System pyscal System """ #convert to system and return data = self.get_block(blockno) sys = pc.System() sys.read_inputfile(data, customkeys=None) asesys = convert_snap(sys, species=species) return asesys def _get_blocks_to_file(self, fout, blocklist): """ Get a series of blocks from the file as raw data Parameters ---------- blockno : int number of the block to be read, starts from 0 Returns ------- data : list list of strings containing data """ xl = [x for x in blocklist] xl = np.array(xl) #open file #convert lines to start from end for x in xl: if self.loadlist[x]: data = self._convert_data_to_lines(x) else: data = self.get_block(x) for line in data: fout.write(line)