
Trying pyscal

You can try some examples provided with pyscal using Binder without installing the package. Please use this link to try the package.

Supported operating systems

pyscal can be installed on both Linux and Mac OS based systems. For Windows systems, we recommend using Bash on Windows. Please check this tutorial on how to set up Bash on Windows.

Installation using conda

For python 3

pyscal can be installed directly using Conda from the conda-forge channel by the following statement-

conda install -c conda-forge pyscal

This is the recommended way to install if you have an Anaconda distribution.

The above command installs the latest release version of pyscal. An always updated version can be installed using-

conda install -c pyscal pyscal

For python 2

Python 2 version of pyscal can be installed using-

conda install -c pyscal pyscal

Quick installation

pyscal can be installed using the following steps-

  • Download an archive of the pyscal library from here.
  • Extract the downloaded version. From the extracted folder, run, python install --user


Pyscal can be installed system-wide using python install.

Installation from the repository

pyscal can be built from the repository by-

git clone
cd pyscal
python install --user

Using a conda environment

pyscal can also be installed in a conda environment, making it easier to manage dependencies. pyscal works with both python3 and python2. A python3 Conda environment can be created by,

conda create -n myenv python=3

Once created, the environment can be activated using,

conda activate myenv

In case Cmake and C++11 are not available, these can be installed using,

(myenv) conda install -c anaconda gcc
(myenv) conda install -c anaconda cmake

Now the pyscal repository can be cloned and the module can be installed. Python dependencies are installed automatically.

(myenv) git clone
(myenv) cd pyscal
(myenv) python install


A good guide on managing Conda environments is available here.


Dependencies for the C++ part

Dependencies for the python part

Optional dependencies


In order to see if the installation worked, the following commands can be tried-

import pyscal.core as pc

The above code does some minimal tests and gives a value of True if pyscal was installed successfully. However, pyscal also contains automated tests which use the pytest python library, which can be installed by pip install pytest. The tests can be run by executing the command pytest tests/ from the main code directory.

It is good idea to run the tests to check if everything is installed properly.