Source code for pyscal.traj_process

pyscal module containing methods for processing of a trajectory. Methods for
reading of input files formats, writing of output files etc are provided in
this module.

import numpy as np
import gzip
import pyscal.catom as pca

#new function to wrap over mdtraj objects
[docs]def read_mdtraj(mdobject, check_triclinic=False, box_vectors=False): """ Function to read from an MDTraj atoms objects Parameters ---------- mdobject : MDTraj Atoms object name of the MDTraj atoms object triclinic : bool, optional True if the configuration is triclinic box_vectors : bool, optional If true, return the full box vectors along with `boxdims` which gives upper and lower bounds. default False. """ #We have to process atoms and atomic objects from ase #Known issues lammps -dump modified format #first get box a = np.array(mdobject.unitcell_vectors[0][0]) b = np.array(mdobject.unitcell_vectors[0][1]) c = np.array(mdobject.unitcell_vectors[0][2]) box = np.array([a, b, c]) boxdims = np.array([[0, np.sqrt(np.sum(a**2))],[0, np.sqrt(np.sum(b**2))],[0, np.sqrt(np.sum(c**2))]]) #box and box dims are set. Now handle atoms chems = np.array([ for atom in mdobject.topology.atoms]) atomsymbols = np.unique(chems) atomtypes = np.array(range(1, len(atomsymbols)+1)) typedict = dict(zip(atomsymbols, atomtypes)) #now start parsing atoms atoms = [] positions =[0] for count, position in enumerate(positions): atom = pca.Atom() atom.pos = list(position) = count atom.type = typedict[chems[count]] atom.loc = count customdict = {'species': chems[count]} atom.custom = customdict atoms.append(atom) if box_vectors: return atoms, boxdims, box else: return atoms, box
#new function to wrap over ase objects
[docs]def read_ase(aseobject, check_triclinic=False, box_vectors=False): """ Function to read from a ASE atoms objects Parameters ---------- aseobject : ASE Atoms object name of the ASE atoms object triclinic : bool, optional True if the configuration is triclinic box_vectors : bool, optional If true, return the full box vectors along with `boxdims` which gives upper and lower bounds. default False. """ #We have to process atoms and atomic objects from ase #Known issues lammps -dump modified format #first get box a = np.array(aseobject.cell[0]) b = np.array(aseobject.cell[1]) c = np.array(aseobject.cell[2]) box = np.array([a, b, c]) boxdims = np.array([[0, np.sqrt(np.sum(a**2))],[0, np.sqrt(np.sum(b**2))],[0, np.sqrt(np.sum(c**2))]]) #box and box dims are set. Now handle atoms chems = np.array(aseobject.get_chemical_symbols()) atomsymbols = np.unique(aseobject.get_chemical_symbols()) atomtypes = np.array(range(1, len(atomsymbols)+1)) typedict = dict(zip(atomsymbols, atomtypes)) #now start parsing atoms atoms = [] positions = aseobject.positions for count, position in enumerate(positions): atom = pca.Atom() atom.pos = list(position) = count atom.type = typedict[chems[count]] atom.loc = count customdict = {'species': chems[count]} atom.custom = customdict atoms.append(atom) if box_vectors: return atoms, boxdims, box else: return atoms, box
#functions that are not wrapped from C++
[docs]def read_lammps_dump(infile, compressed = False, check_triclinic=False, box_vectors=False, customkeys=None): """ Function to read a lammps dump file format - single time slice. Parameters ---------- infile : string name of the input file compressed : bool, optional force to read a `gz` zipped file. If the filename ends with `.gz`, use of this keyword is not necessary. Default True. check_triclinic : bool, optional If true check if the sim box is triclinic. Default False. box_vectors : bool, optional If true, return the full box vectors along with `boxdims` which gives upper and lower bounds. default False. customkeys : list of strings, optional A list of extra keywords to read from trajectory file. Returns ------- atoms : list of `Atom` objects list of all atoms as created by user input boxdims : list of list of floats The dimensions of the box. This is of the form `[[xlo, xhi],[ylo, yhi],[zlo, zhi]]` where `lo` and `hi` are the upper and lower bounds of the simulation box along each axes. For triclinic boxes, this is scaled to `[0, scalar length of the vector]`. box : list of list of floats list of the type `[[x1, x2, x3], [y1, y2, y3], [zz1, z2, z3]]` which are the box vectors. Only returned if `box_vectors` is set to True. triclinic : bool True if the box is triclinic. Only returned if `check_triclinic` is set to True .. note:: Values are always returned in the order `atoms, boxdims, box, triclinic` if all return keywords are selected. For example, ff `check_triclinic` is not selected, the return values would still preserve the order and fall back to `atoms, boxdims, box`. Notes ----- Read a lammps-dump style snapshot that can have variable headers, reads in type and so on. Zipped files which end with a `.gz` can also be read automatically. However, if the file does not end with a `.gz` extension, keyword `compressed = True` can also be used. Examples -------- >>> atoms, box = read_lammps_dump('conf.dump') >>> atoms, box = read_lammps_dump('conf.dump.gz') >>> atoms, box = read_lammps_dump('conf.d', compressed=True) """ if customkeys == None: customkeys = [] #first depending on if the extension is .gz - use zipped read raw = infile.split('.') if raw[-1] == 'gz' or compressed: f =,'rt') else: f = open(infile,'r') #now go through the file line by line paramsread = False atoms = [] triclinic = False volume_fraction = 1.00 #now if custokeys are provided - read those in too customread = False customlength = len(customkeys) if customlength > 0: customread = True for count, line in enumerate(f): if not paramsread: #atom numer is at line 3 if count == 3: natoms = int(line.strip()) #box dims in lines 5,6,7 elif count == 5: raw = line.strip().split() boxx = [float(raw[0]), float(raw[1])] if len(raw) == 3: xy = float(raw[2]) elif count == 6: raw = line.strip().split() boxy = [float(raw[0]), float(raw[1])] if len(raw) == 3: xz = float(raw[2]) elif count == 7: raw = line.strip().split() boxz = [float(raw[0]), float(raw[1])] if len(raw) == 3: yz = float(raw[2]) triclinic = True tilts = [xy, xz, yz] #boxdims = [boxx, boxy, boxz] #header is here elif count == 8: raw = line.strip().split() headerdict = { raw[x]:x-2 for x in range(0, len(raw)) } paramsread = True if customread: if not[(x in headerdict) for x in customkeys]): raise KeyError("some values in custokeys was not found in the file") #add a new keyword for scaled coordinates if "x" in headerdict.keys(): scaled = False elif "xs" in headerdict.keys(): scaled = True headerdict["x"] = headerdict.pop("xs") headerdict["y"] = headerdict.pop("ys") headerdict["z"] = headerdict.pop("zs") else: raise ValueError("only x/xs, y/ys andz/zs keys are allowed for traj file") else: raw = line.strip().split() idd = int(raw[headerdict["id"]]) typ = int(raw[headerdict["type"]]) x = float(raw[headerdict["x"]]) y = float(raw[headerdict["y"]]) z = float(raw[headerdict["z"]]) atom = pca.Atom() atom.pos = [x, y, z] = idd atom.type = typ atom.loc = count-8 customdict = {} #if customkeys need to be read, do it if customread: for cc, kk in enumerate(customkeys): customdict[kk] = raw[headerdict[kk]] atom.custom = customdict atoms.append(atom) #close files f.close() if triclinic: #process triclinic box amin = min([0.0, tilts[0], tilts[1] ,tilts[0]+tilts[1]]) amax = max([0.0, tilts[0], tilts[1] ,tilts[0]+tilts[1]]) bmin = min([0.0, tilts[2]]) bmax = max([0.0, tilts[2]]) xlo = boxx[0] - amin xhi = boxx[1] - amax ylo = boxy[0] - bmin yhi = boxy[1] - bmax zlo = boxz[0] zhi = boxz[1] #triclinic cell a = np.array([xhi-xlo, 0, 0]) b = np.array([tilts[0], yhi-ylo, 0]) c = np.array([tilts[1], tilts[2], zhi-zlo]) rot = np.array([a, b, c]).T rotinv = np.linalg.inv(rot) ortho_origin = np.array([boxx[0], boxy[0], boxz[0]]) for atom in atoms: #correct zero of the atomic positions (shift box to origin) dist = np.array(atom.pos) - ortho_origin atom.pos = dist #finally change boxdims - to triclinic box size box = np.array([a, b, c]) boxdims = np.array([[0, np.sqrt(np.sum(a**2))],[0, np.sqrt(np.sum(b**2))],[0, np.sqrt(np.sum(c**2))]]) else: box = np.array([[boxx[1]-boxx[0], 0, 0],[0, boxy[1]-boxy[0], 0],[0, 0, boxz[1]-boxz[0]]]) boxdims = np.array([[boxx[0], boxx[1]],[boxy[0], boxy[1]],[boxz[0], boxz[1]]]) #adjust for scled coordinates if scaled: for atom in atoms: dist = atom.pos ndist = dist[0]*box[0] + dist[1]*box[1] + dist[2]*box[2] atom.pos = ndist if box_vectors and check_triclinic: return atoms, boxdims, box, triclinic elif box_vectors: return atoms, boxdims, box elif check_triclinic: return atoms, boxdims, triclinic else: return atoms, boxdims
[docs]def read_poscar(infile, compressed = False, box_vectors = False): """ Function to read a POSCAR format. Parameters ---------- infile : string name of the input file compressed : bool, optional force to read a `gz` zipped file. If the filename ends with `.gz`, use of this keyword is not necessary, Default False Returns ------- atoms : list of `Atom` objects list of all atoms as created by user input box : list of list of floats list of the type `[[xlow, xhigh], [ylow, yhigh], [zlow, zhigh]]` where each of them are the lower and upper limits of the simulation box in x, y and z directions respectively. Examples -------- >>> atoms, box = read_poscar('POSCAR') >>> atoms, box = read_poscar('POSCAR.gz') >>> atoms, box = read_poscar('POSCAR.dat', compressed=True) """ raw = infile.split('.') if raw[-1] == 'gz' or compressed: f =,'rt') else: f = open(infile,'r') data = [] for line in f: data.append(line) no_atoms = data[5].split() nlev = 5 try: no_atoms = np.array(no_atoms) no_atoms = no_atoms.astype(int) except ValueError: no_atoms = data[6].split() nlev = 6 no_atoms = np.array(no_atoms) no_atoms = no_atoms.astype(int) except: raise ValueError("Unknown no of atoms") natoms = np.sum(no_atoms) atom_list = no_atoms scaling_factor = np.array(data[1].strip()).astype(float) xvector = np.array(data[2].strip().split()).astype(float) yvector = np.array(data[3].strip().split()).astype(float) zvector = np.array(data[4].strip().split()).astype(float) boxvecs = [xvector, yvector, zvector] xlow = 0 xhigh = scaling_factor*xvector[0] ylow = 0 yhigh = scaling_factor*yvector[1] zlow = 0 zhigh = scaling_factor*zvector[2] boxdims = [[xlow, xhigh],[ylow, yhigh],[zlow, zhigh]] if (data[nlev+1].strip().split()[0]=='s' or data[nlev+1].strip().split()[0]=='S'): selective_dynamics=True cord_system=data[nlev+2].strip() atom_start = nlev+3 else: cord_system=data[nlev+1].strip() atom_start = nlev+2 if cord_system in ['Cartesian', 'cartesian']: xhigh = 1 yhigh = 1 zhigh = 1 species = 1 count = 0 cum_list = np.cumsum(atom_list) i = atom_start atoms = [] while i in range(atom_start,atom_start+natoms): if (count<cum_list[species-1]): raw = np.array(data[i].strip().split()[:3]).astype(float) typ = species x = float(raw[0])*xhigh y = float(raw[1])*yhigh z = float(raw[2])*zhigh #if x,y,z are out of the box, they need to be put in if (x < xlow): x = x + (xhigh - xlow) elif (x > xhigh): x = x - (xhigh - xlow) if (y < ylow): y = y + (yhigh - ylow) elif (y > yhigh): y = y - (yhigh - ylow) if (z < zlow): z = z + (zhigh - zlow) elif (z > zhigh): z = z - (zhigh - zlow) count+=1 idd = count atom = pca.Atom() atom.pos = [x, y, z] = idd atom.type = typ atom.loc = i-atom_start #atom = pc.Atom(pos=, id=idd, type=typ) atoms.append(atom) i+=1 else: species+=1 if box_vectors: return atoms, boxdims, boxvecs else: return atoms, boxdims
[docs]def write_poscar(sys, outfile, comments="pyscal"): """ Function to read a POSCAR format. Parameters ---------- outfile : string name of the input file """ fout = open(outfile, 'w') fout.write(comments+"\n") fout.write(" 1.00000000000000\n") #write box vecs = sys.get_boxvecs() fout.write(" %1.14f %1.14f %1.14f\n"%(vecs[0][0], vecs[0][1], vecs[0][2])) fout.write(" %1.14f %1.14f %1.14f\n"%(vecs[1][0], vecs[1][1], vecs[1][2])) fout.write(" %1.14f %1.14f %1.14f\n"%(vecs[2][0], vecs[2][1], vecs[2][2])) atoms = sys.atoms atypes = [atom.type for atom in atoms] tt, cc = np.unique(atypes, return_counts=True) atomgroups = [[] for x in range(len(tt))] for t in tt: for atom in atoms: if int(atom.type) == t: atomgroups[t-1].append(atom) fout.write(" ") for c in cc: fout.write("%d "%int(c)) fout.write("\n") fout.write("Cartesian\n") for i in range(len(atomgroups)): for atom in atomgroups[i]: pos = atom.pos fout.write(" %1.14f %1.14f %1.14f\n"%(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2])) fout.close()
[docs]def write_structure(sys, outfile, format = 'lammps-dump', compressed = False, customkey=None, customvals=None, timestep=0): """ Write the state of the system to a trajectory file. Parameters ---------- sys : `System` object the system object to be written out outfile : string name of the output file format : string, optional the format of the output file, as of now only `lammps-dump` format is supported. compressed : bool, default false write a `.gz` format customkey : string or list of strings, optional If specified, it adds this custom column to the dump file. Default None. customvals : list or list of lists, optional If `customkey` is specified, `customvals` take an array of the same length as number of atoms, which contains the values to be written out. timestep: int, optional Specify the timestep value, default 0 Returns ------- None """ boxdims = atoms = sys.atoms #open files for writing if compressed: gz =,'w') dump = io.BufferedReader(gz) else: gz = open(outfile,'w') dump = gz #now write dump.write("ITEM: TIMESTEP\n") dump.write("%d\n" % timestep) dump.write("ITEM: NUMBER OF ATOMS\n") dump.write("%d\n" % len(atoms)) dump.write("ITEM: BOX BOUNDS pp pp pp\n") dump.write("%f %f\n" % (boxdims[0][0], boxdims[0][1])) dump.write("%f %f\n" % (boxdims[1][0], boxdims[1][1])) dump.write("%f %f\n" % (boxdims[2][0], boxdims[2][1])) #check customkey and its values #if single value, make it into array writecustom = False if customkey != None: if not isinstance(customkey, list) or isinstance(customkey, np.ndarray): customkey = [str(customkey)] customvals = np.array([customvals]) else: ccdummy = [str(x) for x in customkey] customkey = ccdummy #verify lengths if not len(customkey) == len(customvals): #print(cust) #raise TypeError("length of customkey and customvals should be same. lengths %d and %d not compatible"%(len(customkey), len(customvals))) raise TypeError(customkey, customvals) #now verify the lengths of customkey for count, c in enumerate(customkey): if not len(customvals[count]) == len(atoms): raise TypeError("Length of customvals should be equal to number of atoms. lengths %d and %d not compatible"%(len(customvals[count]), len(atoms))) #if everything works - change writecustom writecustom = True #now write header if writecustom: ckey = " ".join(customkey) title_str = "ITEM: ATOMS id type x y z %s\n"% ckey else: title_str = "ITEM: ATOMS id type x y z\n" #write it out dump.write(title_str) for cc, atom in enumerate(atoms): pos = atom.pos if writecustom: cvals = " ".join(np.array(customvals)[:, cc].astype(str)) atomline = ("%d %d %f %f %f %s\n")%(, atom.type, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], cvals) else: atomline = ("%d %d %f %f %f\n")%(, atom.type, pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]) dump.write(atomline) dump.close()
[docs]def split_trajectory(infile, format='lammps-dump', compressed=False): """ Read in a trajectory file and convert it to individual time slices. Parameters ---------- filename : string name of input file format : format of the input file only `lammps-dump` is supported now. compressed : bool, optional force to read a `gz` zipped file. If the filename ends with `.gz`, use of this keyword is not necessary. Returns ------- snaps : list of strings a list of filenames which contain individual frames from the main trajectory. Notes ----- This is a wrapper function around `split_traj_lammps_dump` function. """ snaps = [] if format=='lammps-dump': snaps = split_traj_lammps_dump(infile, compressed = compressed) return snaps
[docs]def split_traj_lammps_dump(infile, compressed = False): """ Read in a LAMMPS dump trajectory file and convert it to individual time slices. Parameters ---------- filename : string name of input file compressed : bool, optional force to read a `gz` zipped file. If the filename ends with `.gz`, use of this keyword is not necessary, Default False. Returns ------- snaps : list of strings a list of filenames which contain individual frames from the main trajectory. """ raw = infile.split('.') if raw[-1] == 'gz' or compressed: f =,'rt') else: f = open(infile,'r') #pre-read to find the number of atoms for count, line in enumerate(f): if count == 3: natoms = int(line.strip()) break f.close() #now restart f() if raw[-1] == 'gz' or compressed: f =,'rt') else: f = open(infile,'r') nblock = natoms+9 startblock = 0 count=1 snaps = [] for line in f: if(count==1): ff = ".".join([infile, 'snap', str(startblock), 'dat']) lines = [] lines.append(line) elif(count<nblock): lines.append(line) else: lines.append(line) snaps.append(ff) fout = open(ff,'w') for wline in lines: fout.write(wline) fout.close() count=0 startblock+=1 count+=1 f.close() return snaps